www.sayer.com | December 2019
there have never been any instances of
such criminal or hostile activities. However,
there were many efforts by the SANDF and
SAPS to create ‘roadblocks in the sky’ and
to ransack private homes, businesses and
aircraft in the name of national security. It
did not occur to CAA that it had no business
being crime-ghting super-heroes or
defenders of our national integrity.
This culminated in a successful lawsuit
brought against CAA and the Minister of
Police shortly before the 2010 Soccer
World Cup. Not only were draconian ight
restrictions already in place, but we sat
slack-jawed listening to SAAF generals
telling us that if a student pilot were to take off
and erroneously turn in the wrong direction,
the Air Force would assume that this was a
terrorist attack and immediately shoot down
the hapless student.
For this reason, they contended, all
ights including training ights would have to
be grounded nationwide for the duration of
the soccer matches. Fortunately this insanity
was averted.
But the abuse of South African aviation
law continued unabated and CAA attempted
to achieve their political masters’ ends by
trying to establish regulations forcing the
licensing or ‘registration’ of any and all places
where an aircraft may land or take off.
AOPA South Africa was deeply
suspicious of these proposed regulations
and resisted them at every turn. Our
suspicions were vindicated when a GA
aireld in the Gauteng area was proposed.
This was to be a public-use aireld catering
mostly for light aircraft and as such, AOPA
agreed and supported that it should indeed
be licensed. This was also the view resulting
from considerable discussion by experts at
the National Airspace Committee.
However, an application to licence the
aireld was atly refused by then Acting
Director for Civil Aviation, Ms Poppy Khoza,
on the basis that it was “unsafe”. A request
for reasons elicited no cogent response, so
her decision was reviewed and overturned
by the Civil Aviation Appeals Committee. The
CAAC patiently allowed Khoza plenty of time
to make her safety case, but she was unable
to come up with anything even vaguely
relevant to her purported viewpoint.
This conrmed our suspicions: CAA
had been mandated to force licensing and
registration upon all smaller airelds – and
then refuse to licence or “register” them. It
became quite apparent that CAA’s actions
once again had nothing to do with their safety
and security mandate, but more to do with
political paranoia and desire for control from
higher up.
Bizarrely, CAA applied to the High
Court much later for permission to pursue
an appeal against the decision of the CAAC
nearly two years after their judgement.
AOPA appealed to its members and other
interested parties to assist by contributing
towards the legal costs of opposing this new
move. The response was overwhelming.
After more years of wrangling and
obfuscation by the CAA, the Court refused
CAA’s application and awarded attorney and
client costs against CAA on the basis that
their application was frivolous, vexatious and
an abuse of court. The taxation and recovery
of those costs was again characterised
by delay and obfuscation, but I’m pleased
to advise that CAA paid up and as of this
writing, their money is now safely in AOPA’s
Our treasurer is now working on returning
those funds to contributors or, if they prefer,
leaving those funds in our litigation account
for continuing to protect GA from these
ongoing vagaries.
CAA seldom sees success in the
courts. This was apparent in the shameful
grounding of CemAir airline for nine months
– even though the courts and CAAC again
overturned Ms Khoza’s decisions. There
are ongoing similar scandalous groundings
related to SAA Technical, Comair and some
state airlines.
Khoza and CAA also embarked on a
campaign to try to denigrate AOPA South
Africa and its directors some years ago. Her
accusations are a witches’ brew of racism,
dishonesty and immorality against our
representatives for having had the temerity to
criticize her and the CAA for their excesses
and general incompetence.
She has put a lot of effort into coercing
and intimidating a number of her colleagues
and other non-CAA persons and entities into
her campaign of disinformation and hate
The time has now come for AOPA to
rectify this.
AOPA took a decision to remain silent to
give CAA and the various “governing bodies”
six months to properly manage the future of
non type-certied aircraft, their owners and
pilots since the dissolution of RAASA at the
end of March 2019.
It seems at the time of this writing that the
whole process is rudderless and in danger of
crashing and burning. It is now time for AOPA
to intervene to protect the owners and pilots
of NTCA.
Basic airstrips are an essential
part of general aviation - yet the
CAA seems deeply suspicious
of them and appears to want to
regulate them out of existence.